FoilWorld FoilPage for Java Grande ACM Conference and Tutorial June 12-14 San Francisco and follow on at JavaOne

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Java Grande ACM Conference and Tutorial June 12-14 San Francisco and follow on at JavaOne Search

Number of Foilsets: 12 Foils: 339
Conference Home Page
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:cps714javamediajune99 Javaone Highlights I: Java Media
Framework and Hotspot
Foils: 14
2:cps714javaone Javaone Highlights II: Jini EJB and JFC Foils: 14
3:jgacmbenchmarkingjune99 A Methodology for Benchmarking Java
Grande Applications
Foils: 18
4:jgacmconcurrencyjune99 Java Grande Forum Concurrency and
Application Working Group
Foils: 11
5:jgacmhauptjune99 Overview of Gateway System Foils: 27
6:jgacmjavampijune99 Object serialization for Marshalling
Data in a Java Interface to MPI
Foils: 40
7:jgacmjune99 Java Grande Forum Overview Issues Foils: 6
8:jgjavaonejune99 Overview of Java Grande Forum Foils: 28
9:jgtutorialhauptjune99 Tutorial on Java for Middle tier in
Computing Portals
Foils: 110
10:sv2tangojune1999 SV2 Collaborative Visualization System Foils: 11
11:tango2reviewjune99 Overview of Tango 2 Foils: 14
12:tangotrain3june99 Tango Interactive Training Session Foils: 46