FoilWorld IndexPage for CPS714:Advanced Topics in Web Technologies Summer 1999

1: Shared Places on the Web
2: Introduction to XML
3: Activities of the Java Grande Forum Numerics Working Group
4: NPAC Computer and Network Capabilities
5: Remarks on Internet and Java Security
6: An Introduction to XML
7: Introduction to XML
8: Directory Services for the Internet
9: Overview of Education Portals
10: Javaone Highlights I: Java Media Framework and Hotspot
11: Javaone Highlights II: Jini EJB and JFC
12: Case Studies in Internetics-- Introductory Material
13: What is a Portal?
14: Case Studies in Internetics -- Survey of JavaOne and Discussion of Possible Projects
15: Security Infrastructure fo Electronic Commerce and Internet
16: Basic Mathematics of Security Systems
17: Object Web Computing Architecture
18: Object Web Computing Technologies
19: Overview of WebWisdomNT 3.0 web linked database
20: Advanced XML and its applications
21: Gateway Discussion and Notes
22: Two Projects of Interest for Portals and Java
23: Java Grande Overview
24: SOCKS Protocol V5 for Proxy Servers
25: NPAC Computer and Network Capabilities
26: Gateway Overview and Middle Tier