ASC Gateway Project Search

Number of Foilsets: 24 Foils: 1123
Home Page
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:ascgatewaykickoffjan99 Schedule of Gateway Meeting and Project
Foils: 12
2:becaspdlmay99 Shared Places on the Web Foils: 12
3:ceapsejan99 Status and Plans for CEA Problem
Solving Environment
Foils: 7
4:cps714webcomparchjune99 Object Web Computing Architecture Foils: 98
5:cps714webcomptechjune99 Object Web Computing Technologies Foils: 172
6:dodmetajune99 Gateway PET Project and DoD
Foils: 15
7:gatewayarchmay99 Gateway Technology: Architecture,
Collaboration, Intranets
Foils: 39
8:gatewayarchmay99 Gateway Technology: Architecture,
Collaboration, Intranets
Foils: 39
9:gatewayfeb99 DATORR Gateway and WebFlow Foils: 19
10:gatewayoscmarch99 Overview of Gateway and Problem Solving
Foils: 9
11:gatewayoverview15mar99 Overview of Gateway Project Foils: 6
12:gatewaysecurity15mar99 Overview of Security Proposals for
Gateway Project
Foils: 20
13:gridforumhauptjune99 Overview of Gateway System Foils: 18
14:javaportaldodtutorialjune99 Use of Java in Computational Science Foils: 148
15:jgacmhauptjune99 Overview of Gateway System Foils: 27
16:jgtutorialhauptjune99 Tutorial on Java for Middle tier in
Computing Portals
Foils: 110
17:lanlmarch99 Object Models:Computing - Web Based
Education and Training - Collaboration
Foils: 31
18:mapintascfeb99 Review of MAPINT and Gateway at ASC Foils: 21
19:msrcobjectsapril99 The Document Object Model - Universal
Access - Other Objects - CORBA XML Jini
JavaScript etc.
Foils: 77
20:npacgatewayjan99 Status and Plans of MiddleWare(WebFlow)
for Gateway
Foils: 54
21:npacgatewayworkshopmay99 Gateway Overview and Middle Tier Foils: 59
22:npacsecurityoverviewjan99 Security Overview of
MiddleWare(WebFlow) for Gateway
Foils: 42
23:pdptajune99 Integration of Web and Distributed
Object Technologies in a New Generation
of Grande Programming Environments
Foils: 79
24:ppoppgridappl99 Applications and Programming Models for
Computational Grids
Foils: 9