FoilWorld IndexPage for Activities with NSF PACI at NCSA
1: General Presentation Material
2: HPJava and HPspmd Motivation and Status
3: JWORB Java Web Object Request Broker Poster
4: Collaborative Scientific Visualization SciVis Poster
5: Overview of Tango
6: NCSA Alliance Overview
7: Integration of Scientific and Technical Computing with Enterprise Information Systems: Gateway and IPSE
8: Team B C G Multimedia Access Technology Survey
9: Development of the Requirements for a Common Framework for Collaborative Learning Community Tools
10: Remarks on Distance Learning
11: Comments on Metacomputing
12: Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web
13: Team B C G Grid Architecture Summary
14: Photos of NPAC SC97 Activities
15: A Coarse Grain Performance Estimator -- PetaSIM and a Hybrid Distributed Object Model for the IPG
16: Master Set of Foils for 1996 Session of CPS615
17: NPAC Presentation at NCSA ET Team B Meeting
18: Status of WebFlow HPcc and JWORB
19: Changing Curriculum in Computer Science and Physics: Computational Science and Physics
20: Integration of Scientific and Technical Computing with Enterprise Information Systems
21: Broadening Computational Science: Simulation and Internetics
22: Problem Solving Environments Group Report
23: Team B C G Marching Orders from Alliance Vision
24: Overview of TANGO Collaboration System EventPACI ET Team C Meeting NCSA
25: WebWisdom Education and Training System: Distributed Objects and Collaboration