FoilWorld FoilPage for Use of Java in Computational Science and Engineering

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Use of Java in Computational Science and Engineering Search

Number of Foilsets: 37 Foils: 1130
Java Grande/CSE Resource
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:JGFGannonSC98 Summary of Concurrency and applications
working Group report
Foils: 10
2:JGFGetovSC98 Java for MPI for the Java Grande Forum Foils: 10
3:JGFMolerSC98 JAMA Java Matrix Classes for Java
Grande Forum
Foils: 5
4:JGFReyndersSC98 Lessons from C++ for the Java Grande
Foils: 6
5:JGFboisvertSC98 Summary of Report of the Java Grande
Forum Numerics Working Group
Foils: 18
6:JGFdongarraSC98 Java Access to Numerical Libraries:
Compiling Fortran to Java
Foils: 23
7:JGFepccSC98 EPCC Java Grande Benchmark Suite Foils: 8
8:JGFgregorSC98 Overview of the Desktop Access to
Remote Resources Activity (DATORR) for
the Java Grande Process
Foils: 10
9:aschpccoct98 Integration of Scientific and Technical
Computing with Enterprise Information
Systems: Gateway and IPSE
Foils: 49
10:datorrbofsc98 DATORR : Desktop Access to Remote
Foils: 12
11:datorroversandiafeb99 Overview of DATORR and Resource working
Foils: 30
12:datorrwebflowfeb99 DATORR and New WebFlow and Gateway
Foils: 20
13:dswahpccfeb98 Distance Computing and Collaboration Foils: 66
14:europowsept98 Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web Foils: 69
15:hitachi/java98 Photographs from Java 98 Workshop Talks
Posters and Forum
Foils: 75
16:hitachi/sc97 Photos of NPAC SC97 Activities Foils: 21
17:hpjavanpaci Java Grande: Role of Java in Large
Scale Computations
Foils: 100
18:iscope98chatterjee The Many Faces of Java Foils: 7
19:iscope98matsuoka Java Status Problems and Solutions Foils: 6
20:iscopedec98 aJava Grande and Pragmatic Programming
Foils: 51
21:isdamar98 Collaboration and Scientific
Visualization for High Performance Data
Foils: 39
22:javaforcsefall96 The Future:Petaflop Computers and Java
as a High Performance Computational
Science and Simulation Language
Foils: 48
23:javagrandemar98 Overview of Java Grande Workshop and
Foils: 20
24:javaoneforummar98 Overview of Java Grande Forum Foils: 36
25:jgcmusept98 Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High
Performance Computing) in a Nutshell
Foils: 35
26:jgeurosept98 Java Grande in a Nutshell Foils: 25
27:jgfaug98 Java Grande Forum Overview Foils: 6
28:jgfpanelintrosc98 Introduction to Java Grande Panel
Foils: 13
29:jgmapintaug98 Java Grande Seamless Interfaces and
Gareway Systems
Foils: 31
30:jgmitsept98 Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High
Performance Computing) in a Nutshell
Foils: 35
31:pennstateeducjan99 Physics and Engineering Education and
Outreach with Modern Information
Foils: 49
32:physedinitjan99 Physics and Engineering Educational
Foils: 13
33:physicsfuturemar98 Technologies for Education and
Education about Technologies
Foils: 66
34:rcihpccoct98 Integration of Scientific and Technical
Computing with Enterprise Information
Foils: 41
35:sandiaaccesssept98 Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway
Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design
Foils: 29
36:scivismar98 Scivis Java Visualization System Foils: 19
37:webflowsc98 Overview of WebFlow Applications as
Multi-Tier HPCC MetaComputing
Foils: 29