Presentations connected to Computational Grids Search

Number of Foilsets: 14 Foils: 409
Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:arpagridnov97 Computational Grids and Commodity
Technologies for CFD
Foils: 14
2:ascgatewaykickoffjan99 Schedule of Gateway Meeting and Project
Foils: 12
3:aschpccoct98 Integration of Scientific and Technical
Computing with Enterprise Information
Systems: Gateway and IPSE
Foils: 49
4:ceapsejan99 Status and Plans for CEA Problem
Solving Environment
Foils: 7
5:compgridsept97 Commodity(Web) Technologies in the
service of Computational Grids
Foils: 28
6:eurogridssept98 Comments on Metacomputing Foils: 5
7:europowsept98 Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web Foils: 69
8:gatewayfeb99 DATORR Gateway and WebFlow Foils: 19
9:gridsappl98 What Applications are Grids Good for? Foils: 7
10:nasaamesperfsept98 A Coarse Grain Performance Estimator --
PetaSIM and a Hybrid Distributed Object
Model for the IPG
Foils: 33
11:npacgatewayjan99 Status and Plans of MiddleWare(WebFlow)
for Gateway
Foils: 54
12:npacsecurityoverviewjan99 Security Overview of
MiddleWare(WebFlow) for Gateway
Foils: 42
13:rcihpccoct98 Integration of Scientific and Technical
Computing with Enterprise Information
Foils: 41
14:webflowsc98 Overview of WebFlow Applications as
Multi-Tier HPCC MetaComputing
Foils: 29