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Tango in Training and Collaborative Simulation and Planning

Given by Geoffrey C. Fox, Marek Podgorny at Technical Program: ITEA HPCC Conference Aberdeen Md. on July 14 98. Foils prepared July 15 1998

Distance Education and the Virtual University
Command and Control or Crisis Management
We discuss Collaborative Engineering Design
Collaborative Planning and Simulation or more generally Collaborative Research
In each case one needs a mix of Asynchronous and Synchronous collaboration and a mix of real-time and archival information.

Table of Contents for Tango in Training and Collaborative Simulation and Planning

001 Tango in Training and Collaborative Simulation & Planning
002 Abstract of An Overview of Some Applications of Tango
003 TANGO Applications with their participants
004 What is a Collaborative System
005 TANGO Interactive - What it Does?
006 Current capabilities of TANGO I
007 95 Talking to NT running 4 Applications
008 Current capabilities of TANGO II
009 Current capabilities of TANGO III
010 Screenshots of Tango Teaching Tools
011 Tango Educational Applets
012 CSC499 at Jackson State
013 Tango WebWisdom Model Collaborative University model for Education
014 Architecture of JSU Distance Education
015 Collaborative Web Applications with their Participants I
016 Collaborative Web Applications II
017 The Command and Control Application
018 The TANGOInteractive Command and Control Application
019 Shared Control Panel for Tango C2 Application
020 Shared 3D GIS (can link to 2D version)
021 TANGO for Distributed Simulation and Testing/Evaluation
022 Multidisciplinary Applications Linkage of Server and Client 
023 Collaboration Support of  Mobile Units

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