Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 30 1998

Foil 4 What are the Issues in Java Grande?

From Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High Performance Computing) in a Nutshell Sun MicroSystems Java Day at CMU Pittsburgh -- Sept 26 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 These exist from both a computer science and user point of view
2 Grande applications are very complex but field is small (1% or so of total computing world)
  • It is a much larger fraction of academic computation
3 The field needs Java as it provides a wonderful distributed computing software infrastructure on which to build applications and tools
  • e.g. RMI JINI etc can enable metacomputing?
  • Users can enjoy Java program development environment
4 Not clear that Java needs the field and so Grande field needs to be humble and persuasive in its requests
5 Currently the Grande field is intrigued but skeptical due to poor Java performance
6 Java community marching on in commercially critical areas
7 Need to bring communities together

in Table To:

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