Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Sept 30 1998

Foil 2 Abstract of CMU Java Grande Presentation

From Java Grande (a.k.a. Java for High Performance Computing) in a Nutshell Sun MicroSystems Java Day at CMU Pittsburgh -- Sept 26 1998. by Geoffrey C. Fox

We describe Java Grande -- definition, motivation and current status
  • motivation discusses Java as a language and where it is clearly good and where it could be good!
  • Describe 3 very different aspects of computation where Java can be used
The Java Grande Forum has numerical and distributed computing working groups and projects include
  • study changes to Java and its runtime to enhance Grande applications and their programming environment
  • community activity to define seamless interfaces allowing universal access to general hosts
Discuss Java for Parallel Computing including message passing passing (MPI) and data parallelism
Give example of implied multi tier service architecture

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