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Overview of Purpose and Futures for MRA Workshop

Given by Geoffrey Fox at MRA Workshop on Network Based Education on June 26 98 Datemod;June 26 98. Foils prepared

We describe how the original "train the trainers" model has evolved into "learn from them best teacher/expert" and has combined lessons from NSF and DoD projects
We give initial plans for the summer with samplers in four levels of education
We suggest this could grow into a broad based Collaborative University and describe examples including classic computational science and Internetics
We list some next steps

Table of Contents for Overview of Purpose and Futures for MRA Workshop

001 Next Steps after the  NSF MRA Workshop --  Towards the K-lifelong 
    Collaborative University?
002 Abstract of Next Steps after MRA Workshop and the Collaboration 
003 Evolution in Strategy
004 What will Happen this Summer I
005 What will Happen this Summer II
006 Some Tradeoffs in Technology and Curricula
007 What is Collaborative University?
008 Traditional Model of Instruction
009 Collaborative Model of Instruction
010 NPAC Education Curricula and Distance Delivery Activities
011 Impact of IT worker Shortage
012 What is Internetics ?
013 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: K-12
014 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: Undergraduate
015 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: Graduate
016 Internetics Certificate Curriculum: Graduate Electives

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