HPCC Activities Connected with DoD PET Program Search

Number of Foilsets: 61 Foils: 2132
Main NPAC PET Page and Visit of CEWES Team to NPAC Mar 25 1997

Label Foilset Title Number of Foils
1:arlfmsfeb98 Status and Futures of NPAC PET FMS
Foils: 48
2:arlfmsjuly98 Detailed ARL Review Discussion of
Forces Modeling and Simulation
Foils: 51
3:arlfmsnov98 Summary of SC98 CMS Demonstration and
WebHLA Metacomputing System
Foils: 22
4:arlfmssummjuly98 Summary of ARL Review Discussion of
Forces Modeling and Simulation
Foils: 5
5:arlicsummjuly98 Summary of ARL Review Discussion of
Info-Comm Team Activities
Foils: 6
6:arlpetmeetfeb98 Notes from ARL PET Meeting Mid Year
Foils: 13
7:arlvisitoct97/database Overview of NPAC Database Work Foils: 8
8:arlvisitoct97/neattools Pulsar NeatTools and work with Eyal
Foils: 10
9:arlvisitoct97/npacfacilities Description of NPAC Computer and
Network Facilities
Foils: 13
10:arlvisitoct97/scivis Overview of SciVis Scientific
Visualization System
Foils: 14
11:arlvisitoct97/webhla NPAC ARL PET Activities in High
Performance FMS and IMT
Foils: 62
12:arlweblogsjuly98 Summary of Database Storage and Search
of Web Logs at ARL Review
Foils: 14
13:aschpccoct98 Integration of Scientific and Technical
Computing with Enterprise Information
Systems: Gateway and IPSE
Foils: 49
14:ascreviewjuly98 ASC Info-Comm: Courseware Recording,
Storage and Retrieval
Foils: 18
15:bbhdaghhpfmar97 MPI HPF and DAGH for Parallelization of
Black Hole Codes
Foils: 26
16:certificatemar97 Discussion of Web Certificate Program
and WebWisdom
Foils: 40
17:cewescollab-train Report on Collaboration and Training Foils: 17
18:cewesfms Report on FMS and Web Interfaces for
Computational MOdules
Foils: 67
19:cewestalkmar25 Introduction to CEWES visit Foils: 3
20:cewesyr2summary CEWES Year 2 Summary of NPAC Activitie Foils: 40
21:cewesyr3proposals CEWES Year 3 Proposed NPAC Activitie Foils: 23
22:cmsnpacoct98 Overview of PET support for CMS Foils: 35
23:daytonapril98 NPAC Technology for Lecture Recording
and Playback
Foils: 14
24:daytonmay98 MultiMedia Databases - Collaboration,
Recording and Playback
Foils: 29
25:dishpccjune97 Distributed Simulation (DIS,HLA) HPCC
and the Object Web
Foils: 62
26:dmsohlacontextdec97 Commodity Web and Object Technology for
the HLA User
Foils: 22
27:dmsohlaforarldec97 Overview of HLA and RTI DMSO Standards Foils: 52
28:doddistedjune98 PET Activities and Strategy for
Distance Education
Foils: 38
29:dodugcedadl Technology Challenges and Goals of ADL
-- Advanced Distributed Learning
Foils: 13
30:dodugcedgupta Role of Technology in Online Education
and Training
Foils: 23
31:dswahpccfeb98 Distance Computing and Collaboration Foils: 66
32:europowsept98 Computing on the Pragmatic Object Web Foils: 69
33:gatewayjuly98 Gateway Systems: Commodity Interface to
HPCC Systems
Foils: 34
34:javainhpccmar97 Java and Web Technologies in HPCC Foils: 54
35:jgmapintaug98 Java Grande Seamless Interfaces and
Gareway Systems
Foils: 31
36:jsujune98/jsubase FMS: Forces Modeling and simulation and
Foils: 114
37:jsujune98/jsuhandout FMS: Forces Modeling and Simulation
Foils: 182
38:jsujune98/jsulab FMS: Forces Modeling and Simulation
Foils: 59
39:mapintmultijune97 Multidisciplinary Applications Foils: 62
40:mapinttangojune97 Use of Tango in Multidisciplinary
Foils: 45
41:mar25-97/cewesbbhmar97 Summary of Binary Black Hole
Foils: 7
42:mar25-97/ceweschemmar97 Overview of NPAC Research in
Computational Chemistry
Foils: 14
43:mar25-97/cewesdbmar97 Description of DataBase Projects at
Foils: 8
44:mar25-97/cewesweathermar97 Weather application for Rome Lab CIV
Foils: 6
45:mar25-97/facilitymar97 Description of NPAC Facilities Foils: 10
46:mar25-97/neattoolsmar97 NeatTools and Pulsar -- Expressional
Foils: 12
47:mar25-97/phy105mar97 Web Technology in Physics 105 --
Science for 21st Century
Foils: 24
48:mar25-97/tangommediamar97 TANGO and its MultiMedia SubSystems Foils: 17
49:npachpccmar98 Status of WebFlow HPcc and JWORB Foils: 44
50:rcihpccoct98 Integration of Scientific and Technical
Computing with Enterprise Information
Foils: 41
51:sandiaaccesssept98 Seamless Interfaces, Multi-Tier Gateway
Systems, Comments on Sandia DRM Design
Foils: 29
52:scivistutsept97 Tutorial on Scivis Java Visualization
Foils: 48
53:tangoapplsfeb97 TANGO Applications -- C2, Education,
HealthCare, Simulation
Foils: 50
54:tangotechfeb97 Tango web Collaboratory Technology Foils: 29
55:tangotrain1dec97 TANGO Interactive Training Foils: 38
56:tangotrain2dec97 Video on Demand SubSystem -- TANGO
Interactive Training
Foils: 5
57:tangotrain3dec97 NetMeeting SubSystem -- TANGO
Interactive Training
Foils: 5
58:tangoviewjuly98 Pictorial View of Tango Features with
Foils: 59
59:webtrainjune97A Experiences in electronic Education and
Training -- Computer science/HPCC
Foils: 39
60:webtrainjune97B Futures and Features of Webwisdom
Electronic Education and Training
Foils: 60
61:webwisdomnov97 WebWisdom Education and Training
System: Distributed Objects and
Foils: 34