Basic HTML version of Foils prepared Jan 17 1999

Foil 4 Schedule

From Physics and Engineering Educational Initiative Project Review at NPAC -- Jan 18 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox

9--ɵ.30 Introduction (Fox)
9.30--ᡂ.30 Physics Curriculum Phy 105/106/307(Lipson, Catterall, Vidale)
10.45-ᡃ.30 TangoInteractive/WebWisdom (Podgorny,Fox)
11.30-ᡄ.15 NeatTools and Universal Access(Lipson)
12.15-ɭ.15 Lunch brought in
1.15--ɮ.15 Tour of RICH Detector (Artuso,Skwarnicki,Stone)
2.15--ɮ.40 High Energy Experimental Physics Educational Outreach (Artuso,Skwarnicki,Stone)
2.40--ɯ.20 Engineering Curriculum (Higuchi,Levy,Lewalle)
3.30 Institutional Comments (Bogucz, Schiff)
4.00 Discussion of Possible Proposal and Next Steps

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