Internetworking: LAN Technologies


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Table of Contents

Internetworking: LAN Technologies

Local Area Network Technologies

LAN Basics

Definitions - LAN / WAN

LAN - speeds


Ethernet - 10 Mbps (1)

Ethernet - 10 Mbps (2)

Ethernet - 10 Mbps (3)

Thick Ethernet (1)

Thick ethernet (2)

Thin ethernet (1)

Thin ethernet (2)

10baseT (1)

10baseT (2)


Isochronous Ethernet (isoENET)

Fast Ethernet (1)

Fast Ethernet (2)

Fast Ethernet (3)

Gigabit Ethernet (1)

Gigabit Ethernet (2)

Token Ring (1)

Token Ring (2)

Token Ring (3)

Token Bus

100VG AnyLAN (1)

100VG AnyLAN (2)

100VG-AnyLAN (3)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (1)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (2)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (3)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (4)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (5)

Fiber Distributed Data Interface (6)

PPT Slide

Wireless LAN (1)

Wireless LAN (2)

Mobile computing

ATM technology (1)

ATM technology (2)

ATM technology (3)

ATM technology (4)

ATM technology (5)

ATM technology (6)

ATM technology (7)

ATM technology (8)

ATM technology (9)

ATM technology (10)

ATM technology (11)

ATM technology (12)

ATM technology (13)

ATM technology (14)

ATM technology (15)

ATM technology (16)

ATM technology (17)

ATM technology (18)

PPT Slide

ATM technology (20)

ATM technology (21)

ATM technology (22)

ATM technology (23)

ATM technology (24)

Author: Roman Markowski


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