100VG AnyLAN (1)
100VG AnyLAN is a 100 Mbps high speed networking standard that was originally developed to transmit Ethernet or Token Ring packets over existing wiring (UTP cat 3,4,5 or fiber);
VG stands for Voice Grade
standard: IEEE 802.12, developed by Hewlett-Packard
actual throughput: up to 96 Mbps
frames: standard 802.3 ethernet format or 802.5 Token Ring format
distance (hub to node, or hub to hub): UTP cat3 - 100m; UTP cat5 - 200m; fiber - 2000m
access method: Demand Priority (MAC layer protocol), no collisions
compatible with existing software; easy to implement
number of nodes: up to 1024 unbridged nodes
ideal for multimedia applications (traffic can be prioritized)