ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network
- Popular switches : 5ESS AT&T, DMS100
- NT1 (Network Termination) converts the 2-wire (U) ISDN line into 4-wire (2 pairs) connection for the terminal adapter (S/T)
- Terminal Adapter: minimalist approach (only ISDN): ISDN*tek Internet+Plus; Analog and ISDN in one device (ISDN and fax, analog phone or modem): Digi DataFire Go!; High End TAs : Motorola BitSURFER Pro
Services: ISDN (digital) phone, ISDN fax, PC with ISDN, videoconferencing
Security: PAP - Password Authentication Protocol, CHAP - Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
SPID: Service Provider ID (example:31547792030000/31547788030000)
Service cost - installation: $160; usage: $36/per line per month; TA ~$500