FMS Core Support
(Modified/Extended) Plan
Accomplishments (1): Parallel CMS Delivery for Ft. Belvoir
PPT Slide
Accomplishments (2):PET Support for CHSSI Beta Reviews
Parallel NSS Performance (100,000 Objects)
Accomplishments (3):Potential New Users/Projects/Techs
Visual FMS Authoring Laboratory
Relevance to DoD Mission
Obstacles and Changes
Enforcing Scalability of Parallel CMS
Accomplishments (1): SPEEDES-like approach selected
Accomplishments (2): New Parallel CMS Code In Progress
Minefields - Scattered (Cyclic) Decomposition
Scattered Minefields on SGI O2K
HLA Integration for HPC Applications Applied to CMS
Accomplishments (1): JWORB/OWRTI based Cluster Management Service
WebHLA based (Meta)Cluster Management
Accomplishments (2): Metacomputing CMS Design & Prototype
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