Table of Contents
Methodology ofComputational Science
Abstract of Methodology of Computational Science Presentation
Parallel Computing Methodology in a Nutshell I
Parallel Computing Methodology in a Nutshell II
Potential in a Vacuum Filled Rectangular Box
Basic Sequential Algorithm
Update on the Grid
Parallelism is Straightforward
Communication is Needed
What is Parallel Architecture?
Parallel Computers -- Classic Overview
Distributed Memory Machines
Communication on Distributed Memory Architecture
Distributed Memory Machines -- Notes
Shared-Memory Machines
Communication on SharedMemory Architecture
Shared-Memory Machines -- Notes
Distributed Shared Memory Machines
Summary on Communication etc.
Communication Must be Reduced
Seismic Simulation of Los Angeles Basin
Irregular 2D Simulation -- Flow over an Airfoil
Heterogeneous Problems
Load Balancing Particle Dynamics
Reduce Communication
Minimize Load Imbalance
Parallel Irregular Finite Elements
Irregular Decomposition for Crack
Further Decomposition Strategies
Summary of Parallel Algorithms
Data Parallelism in Algorithms
Functional Parallelism in Algorithms
Pleasingly Parallel Algorithms
Parallel Languages
Data-Parallel Languages
Message-Passing Systems
Shared Memory Programming Model
Structure(Architecture) of Applications - I
Structure(Architecture) of Applications - II
Multi Server Model for metaproblems
Multi-Server Scenario
The 3 Roles of Java
Why is Java Worth Looking at?
What is Java Grande?
Java and Parallelism?
“Pure” Java Model For Parallelism
Pragmatic Computational Science January 2000 I
Pragmatic Computational Science January 2000 II