Traditional Web/RDBMS access Compared to using Java


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Table of Contents

JDBC Java Database Connectivity

JDBC Main Features

Traditional Web/RDBMS access Compared to using Java

JDBC Software Architecture

Driver Access Architecture

JDBC API is Package java.sql

Driver Manager

Driver class creates Connection

SQL Statements

Statement Class

ResultSet class

Data from ResultSets

Result Sets can be Scrollable

PreparedStatement class

CallableStatement class

Generalized example of getting results

A typical JDBC API usage sequence

Standard Extension Features coming in 2.0

Simple JDBC 2 Tier Applet - An Example

JDBC 2 Tier Applet

JDBC 2 Tier Applet

More Details on JDBC Driver Architectures

Driver Classification- I

Driver Classification - II

JDBC Driver API - I

JDBC Driver API - II


List of vendors

Remote Database Access Current Options

mSQl jdbc driver for mSQl database

Weblogic jdbcKona driver for Oracle

3 tier Remote JDBC driver Architecture

PPT Slide

Remote jdbc Driver Client-side Description

Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - I

Remote jdbc Driver Server-side Description - II

JDBC 2+ Tier Architecture

Advantages of JDBC 2+ Tier Architecture

Java WebServer with Servlets

Programming Java Servlets

JDBC 3 Tier Servlet Example

JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)

JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)

JDBC Servlet Example (contd.)

JDBC 3 Tier Example using RMI

The RMI Example

3-Tier JDBC Example Using CORBA

JDBC Example using CORBA

Using JDBC-ODBC Bridge

Accessing a Desktop Database

Author: NPAC


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