Section IIIB -- Areas I
Black holes (Matzner, Fox) - Drafted
Astrophysics (Salmon, Zurek, Ostriker) - Maybe all in Chapter IIIE
Earthquakes – Rundle,Fox - Finished (Can be Improved)
Climate – (LANL Malone) - LANL Start EARLY
Comp. Chemistry – (Phillips, Kuppermann, Goddard, McKoy, PNL) - Could be several different areas
Monte Carlo Methods in General(Geoffrey) - Good Draft (Note this is an algorithm not an application move to IIIA?)
QCD (Geoffrey, Rajan, Ceperley) - Suggest LANL Start
Accelerators (Ryne – LANL) - LANL Start EARLY
Plasma Physics (Reynders) - Suggest LANL Start
MDO (Geoffrey, Dennis) - Maybe all in Chapter IIIF EARLY