Physics and EngineeringEducation and Outreach withModern Information Technology
Abstract of Penn State Presentation
University HPCC Issues and Requirements
Changing Choices in Education
Impact of IT Worker Shortage on Physics and Engineering education
Impact of Web Technology on Engineering and Physics Education
Possibly Useful Syracuse Activities
Why and What could one Do?
Why/What is Internetics in a Nutshell
Synergy of Parallel Computing and The GridInternetics as Unifying Principle
What is Internetics ?
Xiaoming Li’s View of Internetics
Traditional Computational Science
Internetics Extension of Computational Science
Internetics Certificate Curriculum: K-12
Internetics Certificate Curriculum: Undergraduate
Internetics Certificate Curriculum: Graduate
Internetics Certificate Curriculum: Graduate Electives
Internetics and Physics I
Internetics and Physics II
Why use TangoInteractive?
Some Principles in Tango Support of Distance Education I
Some Principles in Tango Support of Distance Education II
NeatTools and Universal Access
New Enterprise Models for University Research?
New Enterprise Models for Universities?
Useful Links
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