Comments II
Klein: Role of Simple Models? Do these first?
- Use this to test importance of friction laws etc.
- look at hierarchy of overlapping models: slider, CA, full featured continuum simulation
- robust features in simple models can either be wrong or irrelevant!
- To get believable results, one must have multiple efforts
Whitcomb: Climate community has a multiscale activity where simulations at several scales are linked via boundary conditions
Before large scale simulations, need to clarify disagreements in basic simulations ?
Sammis: science is critical
- science is simple and elegant
- makes predictions
- can be falsified
Large catalog of observations in need of modeling
- data patterns (in seismicity) suggest there is something to predict
Lisa Grant, Kerry Sieh on integrating data with GEM
- larger earthquakes are most important societally
- data + models,GEMCI gives validated predictions
Many gaps in data space needed for GEM -- 10 year proposal from Kerry
They need good database technology (GEMXML)