Java Grande and Pragmatic Programming Environments


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Java Grande and Pragmatic Programming Environments

Abstract of ISCOPE Java Grande Presentation

Physics and Computer Science I

Physics and Computer Science II

Computer Science in the Heat Bath of the World I

Computer Science in the Heat Bath of the World II

Computer Science in the Heat Bath of the World III

So what will we discuss?

What is Java Grande?

Recapping the Issues in Java Grande

Why is Java Worth Looking at?

What is the Competition?

Why could Java succeed where Fortran and C++ failed?

PPT Slide

A Multi-Tier Computing System

What is the Process?

What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?

Presentations at SC98 Panel Session

Two types of Things the Forum is doing

Activities of the Java Grande Forum I

Gosling on Operator Overloading

Numerical Computing in Java

Java Grande Forum Floating Point Proposals I

Java Grande Forum Floating Point Proposals II

Activities of the Java Grande Forum II

Some Remarks on Remote Method Invocation RMI

Performance for Java RMI/ORB’s

Java Performance for Structures

C++ ORB Much Faster than Java!

Future Activities of Concurrency Group

Java Framework for Computing Services

Possible Services in a Java Computing Framework


Activities in MPI for Java

PPT Slide

PPT Slide

Java and Parallelism I?

Java and Parallelism II?

What should you do as a Java Grande believer I?

What should you do as a Java Grande believer II?

HPcc Prototype WebFlow and JWORB over GLOBUS

Summary of NPAC’s JWORB natural Building Block of the POW

Gateway Building Blocks: JWORB WebFlow on GLOBUS

Next Steps for HPcc using JavaBeans

WebFlow WaveFilter Module

WebFlow + High Performance Backend Functional Architecture

WebFlow over Globus for NCSA Alliance Quantum Chemistry Application View

WebFlow on Globus -- LMS at CEWES

Multi-Server Middle Tier

HLA/RTI and Coarse Grain Technologies I

HLA/RTI and Coarse Grain Technologies II


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