Object Serialization for Marshalling Data in a Java Interface to MPI


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Table of Contents

Object Serialization for Marshalling Data in a Java Interface to MPI

Some issues in design of a Java API for MPI

Representing Message Buffers

Overview of this talk

Related projects

The mpiJava wrapper

mpiJava features.

Class hierarchy

Minimal mpiJava program

mpiJava implementation issues

mpiJava performance

MPI datatypes

Basic Datatypes

Derived datatypes

Restricted model


Object datatypes

Automatic serialization

Implementation issues for Object datatypes

Modifications to mpiJava

Benchmarking mpiJava with serialization

Timing model


Non-shared memory: byte

Non-shared memory: float

Shared memory: byte

Shared memory: float

Parameters in timing model (microseconds)

Benchmark lessons

Improving serialization

Eliminating overheads of element serialization

Improved protocol

Customized output stream class

Customized input stream class

Non-shared memory: float (optimized in red)

Non-shared memory: byte (optimized in red)

Shared memory: float (optimized in red)

Shared memory: byte (optimized in red)



Author: dbc

Email: gcf@npac.syr.edu

Home Page: http://www.npac.syr.edu