Java Grande Forum Status


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Table of Contents

Java Grande Forum Status

What is Java Grande?

What is Goal of Java Grande Forum?

Coming Events

JavaOne Grande Vision I

JavaOne Grande Vision II

JavaOne Grande Vision III

What is the Java Grande Process?

Java Grande Forum and Activities

The 3 Places Java can be Used

A Multi-Tier Computing System

Portal to Earthquake Science 3-Tier Computing Architecture

Java Computing Portal or Grande Computing Framework

JDBC Analogy

Java Computing Portal Framework

PPT Slide

Possible Services in DATORR or Java Computing Portal Framework

Activities of the Java Grande Forum I

Numerical Computing in Java

Java Grande Forum Floating Point Proposals

Activities of the Java Grande Forum II

Distributed Computing


Java and MPI Overview

Lots of MPI activity

The Future of the Concurrency Group?

Some Remarks on Remote Method Invocation RMI

Future Activities of Concurrency Group


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