XML Templates -- Example I
<!-- WW_CONNECT is a tag that establishes a connection to the database. Connection string may be supplied in the CONNECTION attribute, or if it is omitted (empty string) the default connection string is taken from properties.txt file for current template.-->
<html> <head> <title> Separate IMAGE for LOCAL foil
<!-- WW_FOILNUMBER tag takes the position of the current foil in the current presentation. -->
<!-- WW_TITLE is a tag that allows to insert title of a presentation or foil. The presentation/foil is identified by an ID supplied in FOILID attribute. PARENTID is not currently used by the WW_TITLE tag, but can be later used, e.g. to check the formatting properties, which can be defined on the presentation level. FID and PID were supplied by the servlet from query attributes of the URL -->
Yellow is ordinary HTML, Green XML, White Comments