Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 20 1999

Foil 40 Shared Places and SPDL - Overview

From Tango Futures: XML for Portals, Web-based Collaboration and Distance Education Rice University Tango Tutorial -- October 18 1999. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Shared Place/Portal on the Web - the virtual place on the Web where people can meet and work together. They can use provided content and tools for collaboration and possibly creating new content. Basically, it is a ordinary Web page with collaboration and customization functionality added
2 Shared Place Definition Language (SPDL) is an XML based application that implements the idea of collaboration as a Web page content. It enables creation of Shared Places. HTML includes Java Applets Active X etc.
3 SPDL offers:
  • syntax for defining collaboration functionality of Web page content
  • mechanisms for merging seamlessly collaboration content with the regular Web page content
  • constructs to customize behavior of collaboration content depending on required policy

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