Readme!!!! WebWisdom Tango Shared Browser HomePage

As Master, click on "dialog" button" to get controls
Type in URL or select favorite -- A few are preset - kill and remake dialog window, to update favorites

WARNING -- System changed April 19 99

Remember Netscape does not always flush .jar and .js files (used by this Tango application). You sometimes need to go to cache directory and delete! This version has been rewritten in many ways to allow future extensions. One visible change is that multiple select lists are now supported.
This is starting point to Web Wisdom JavaScript Shared Browser
If you "just" want to use a shared browser, then please exit and click the icon labelled "shared browser". This is an experimental version of a shared browser written in JavaScript. As it is written in this ill defined language, it is more fragile than Tango's true shared browser which is written in Java. You would only use this version if you wished to be able to use the ability of JavaScript to fine tune relationships between shared pages. This version *will* support the following capabilities The above capabilities will be NPAC's Xmas gift to the world but meanwhile, this prototype hardly does anything. It does

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