Given by Scott Klasky at Poster Session SC98 Orlando on November 10-12 1998. Foils prepared January 31 99
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Klasky's Poster Session at SC98 |
SV2 Features |
Java2D (promise for fast 2D rendering/animations). |
Java3D (promise for fast 3D graphics on all platforms). |
Voluminous data server (compression schemes to allow for fast data transfers). |
Multiplexing (efficient collaboration data server along with TANGO) |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Collaborative Scientific Data Visualization Framework |
Ki, Klasky, Fox |
Syracuse University (NPAC) | |
See me at the CRPC booth for a live demo |
See me at the NPACI/Alliance booth for a live demo |
Java2D (promise for fast 2D rendering/animations). |
Java3D (promise for fast 3D graphics on all platforms). |
Voluminous data server (compression schemes to allow for fast data transfers). |
Multiplexing (efficient collaboration data server along with TANGO) |
Our goal of this collaborative system is to use recent computing technology, Java, to build a multi-user collaborative scientific design and analysis environments which can run on all platforms. |
The objective was to develop the scientific software environment where multiple users can create, share, manipulate, analyze, simulate, and visualize complex data sets over a heterogeneous network of PC's, workstations and supercomputers. |
Our SV2 research and design is based on the success of Scivis. Scivis is a collaborative scientific data visualization package written in Java. |
Scivis allows users to visualize their data, which is piped in via sockets. |
Although Scivis has been widely used in the "Binary Black Hole Grand Challenge", it still had major limitations. |
One of the most common complaints against Scivis was that users could only collaborate with other Scivis users. |
SV2 is being designed such that users of Scivis3d (a Java3D version of Scivis), AVS, & VRML can collaborate together. |
Local Client |
Client Manager |
Data Viewer 1 |
Data Viewer 2 |
Local Client |
Client Manager |
Data Viewer 1 |
Data Viewer 2 |
Collaboration |
Tool |
Geometry Engine |
Filter Engine |
SV2 Server |
Sample Screen Dump |
Raytracing |
Rotations of raytracing |
Surface & Contour Plots |
Isosurfaces |
X,y animations |
The Stanford Volpack routines for raytracing. (written in C). |
Isosurface routines with
Users can customize routines for their own use. |
Future Work |
Filter/Map creator, users can hook filters together, and create new API's for those maps. |
Compression |
Downsize |
Smooth |
Isosurface |
decimation |
Mysv3d(name,time,g3d,n) |
Downsize |
VTK:raytrace |
Compression |
Myray(name,time,g3d,n) |
SV2-Client Window |
Data is sent from simulations, or files, to the SV2 server. |
Data from the SV2 server is stored (in memory, and on disk). |
Data file headers are sent to SV2-clients.
To keep support for Scivis alive, we allow users to pipe data directly to SV2 clients. |
For enhanced interactively, the image should be refined progressively as the data comes in from the remote server.
In order to store and transmit large scale data sets, compression schemes have to be utilized.
SV2: Issues for rendering |
With upcoming network computers, the capabilities of a local client might be reduced significantly.
Java-3D allows programmers to specify geometry using a binary geometry compression format. This compression format is used with APIs, and can be used both as a run-time in-memory format for describing geometry, as well as a storage and network format. |
SV2: More issues |
Once Data-headers are on the client, users can select different methods to visualize the data.
Clients request data from the server, the server performs the appropriate filter(s), and then sends back the geometry (or image, or actual x,(y,(z)) data) back to the client. |
The client (Scivis3D,VRML(not yet implemented)) visualizes the data. |