Basic HTML version of Foils prepared October 25 99

Foil 6 Tango Interactive (TI)

From Component Architecture for building Web-based Synchronous Collaboration Systems Workshop-Conference on "Enabling Technologies: Infrastructure for Enterprises (WET ICE)" at Stanford University in Palo Alto California, USA -- June 16-18, 1999. by Lukasz Beca

Generic framework for construction of synchronous collaboration systems for the Web
Accessed and started in the Web browser; extensively uses Web resources
Important concepts:
  • Application: collaborative tool used by system users to communicate
  • Session: set of applications of the same type that exchange information;
    • each instance of the application is operated by a different user
  • Participant: user operating an application that is a member of a session
Application programming interfaces available for Java applets, Java, JavaScript, C++ and LISP applications
Customized systems built by selecting appropriate set of tools
  • systems for distance learning and general collaboration are currently available

© Northeast Parallel Architectures Center, Syracuse University,

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