Basic HTML version of Foils prepared 15 August99

Foil 6 Network Considerations

From Using TangoInterative in Distance Education Jackson State Miss. Training Workshop -- 16-17 August 99. by David Bernholdt, Nancy McCracken

Network requirements should be considered carefully.
  • Minimal bandwidth requirements per stream for TANGO: Audio 13kb/s, Video 15 kb/s, Courseware 120 kb/s.
    • Audio: instructor's workstation sends one stream to each BV audio client. If students use headsets, this is one client per student.
    • Video: transmitted point-to-point like audio.
    • Courseware: the web server delivering slides/pages to student browsers. This will be point-to-point, unless the lab has a proxy web server.
  • Check network configuration to see how sites are connected. Be prepared to call network provider companies if routers are not behaving properly.
  • Calculate bandwidth requirements. E.g. a T1 line (1.5Mb/s) can carry 100 a/v streams or 10 simultaneous course pages in the absence of any other traffic.

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