README.TXT SUBMITTED TO CONCURRENCY: PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Kivanc Dincer and Geoffrey C. Fox "Using Java in the Virtual Programming Laboratory: A Web-Based Parallel Programming Environment" Northeast Parallel Architectures Center 111 College Place, CST Mail-Stop 3-217 Syracuse University Syracuse, NY 13244-4100 {dincer, gcf} You can find the this document on the Web in HTML format: This diskette contains the following files: Vpl-conc.doc (A Microsoft Word 6.0 document written on an IBM PC) Vpl-conc.txt (Same document saved as "Text Only") Vpl-conc.ltx (Same document saved as "Text with Line Breaks") Vpl-conc.rtf (Same document saved in Rich Text Format) vpl.gif (GIF file for Figure 3) jpvs.gif (GIF file for Figure 6) vplplot.gif (GIF file for Figure 8) (Other figures are extracted from Microsoft Powerpoint 4.0 slides and direcly included in the document - and can be edited via Edit option in the Word.). There are also following jpg files that were obtained by scanning the printed output of the remaining figures created by using Powerpoint) vpl-fig1.jpg vpl-fig2.jpg vpl-fig4.jpg vpl-fig5.jpg There are also postscript files for all figures VPL-fig1.PS VPL-fig2.PS VPL-fig3.PS (previously vpl.jpg) VPL-fig4.PS VPL-fig5.PS VPL-fig6.PS (previously jpvs.jpg) VPL-fig8.PS (previously vplplot.jpg)