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1. S. Catterall, G. Thorliefsson, J. Kogut and R. Renken, ``Singular vertices and the triangulation space of the D-sphere'', Nuclear Physics B468 263 (1996)

2. M. Bowick, S. Catterall, M. Falcioni, G. Thorliefsson and K. Anagnostopoulos, ``The flat phase of crystalline membranes'', Journal de Physique I, France 1321 (1996)

3. S. Catterall, M. Goldberg, E. Lipson, A. Middleton and G. Vidali, ``Implementation of information technologies in the teaching of `Science for the 21 Century' '', International Journal of Modern Physics C, in press

4. CGI specifications are available from the WWW Consortium (W3C) site:

5. The specifications for HTML forms have remained largely unchanged since HTML 1.0. The current specification is HTML 3.2. HTML specifications are available from the WWW Consortium (W3C) site:

6. Neural-network models are part of the Mind and Machine module offered by the Department of Physics at Syracuse University:

7. K. Mills, G. Fox, P. Coddington, B. Mihalas, M. Podgorny, B. Shelly, and S. Bossert, ``The Living Textbook and the K-12 Classroom of the Future'', Proceedings of the 1995 International Symposium on Supercomputing, ACM (1995);
online version:
Living Schoolbook (previously Living Textbook) site:

8. G. Gomper, and M. Schick ``Self-assembling amphiphilic systems'', in volume 16 of Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena, Academic Press (1994)

9. See, for example: ``Liposome Technology : Volume III : Targetted Drug Delivery and Biological Interaction'', edited by G Gregoriadis, CRC Press Inc., Florida (1983)

10. The OOGL_OFF class was extracted from Daeron Meyer's 3D viewer applet. This and other graphics packages are available from the Geometry Centre at the University of Minnesota:

11. Tango Web based collaborative system:

Geoffrey Fox, Northeast Parallel Architectures Center at Syracuse University,