import*; /* Every HPJava program will extends from Node to utilize all the helping methods provided by Node class. When implments Runnable interface, we enabled the multi-task on HPJava. More than one browser can run the HPJava program at the same time. */ public class HPJ extends Node implements Runnable { int N, NITER; int mode1, mode2; public HPJ() { /* Before this point, the Node's constructer already complete and all connections are ready. */ /* Now getParam() will return the parameter from HPJava Client. Cause HPJava Client will only connect to id 0 instance (To avoid Java security exception), the id 0 will responsible for brocast this parameter to every other HPJava instance. */ N = getParam(); // get size of life NITER = getParam(); // get number of life iteration mode1 = getParam(); // get x-dim processor mode (BLOCK/CYCLIC) mode2 = getParam(); // get y-dim processor mode (BLOCK/CYCLIC) initialize(N*N*4+4); // Adjust output buffer new Thread(this).start(); // Start thread for this instance } public void run() { int snp = (int)Math.sqrt(np); Procs p = new Procs(this, snp, np/snp); // create process distribution if ( ) { // if this instance is not assigned then ... finalize(); return; } Range x = new Range(N, mode1, p, 0); // Create iteration range on X Range y = new Range(N, mode2, p, 1); // Create iteration range on Y Array r = new Array(p, x, y) ; // Create 2D iteration array int xys = r.seg(); // seg will return the current segment size /* We decide to use 1D array to stand for multi-dimension array for effecient reason. Java's OOP lack of template and pointer also make API design become complcate. */ int[] c = new int[xys]; int[] w = new int[xys]; int[] cn_ = new int[xys]; int[] cp_ = new int[xys]; int[] c_n = new int[xys]; int[] c_p = new int[xys]; int[] cnn = new int[xys]; int[] cnp = new int[xys]; int[] cpn = new int[xys]; int[] cpp = new int[xys]; int M = N/2; int size = N*N; int[] col = (id == 0) ? new int[size] : null; int[] tmp = (id == 0) ? new int[size] : null; /* Create the Color map and send to Client for reference */ for (int i=0; i<c.length; i++) c[i] = id; collect(col, c, r); sendHost(col); /* Create life's initial mapping and send to Client */ for(r.forall(); r.test(); w[r.sub()] = ((x.idx() == M)||(y.idx() == M)) ? 1 : 0; collect(tmp, w, r); sendHost(tmp); /* Start Life cycle */ for (int k=0; k<NITER; k++) { /* use shifts to get the neighbor cells */ shift(cn_, w, r, 0, 1, CYCLIC); shift(cp_, w, r, 0, -1, CYCLIC); shift(c_n, w, r, 1, 1, CYCLIC); shift(c_p, w, r, 1, -1, CYCLIC); shift(cnn, cn_, r, 1, 1, CYCLIC); shift(cnp, cn_, r, 1, -1, CYCLIC); shift(cpn, cp_, r, 1, 1, CYCLIC); shift(cpp, cp_, r, 1, -1, CYCLIC); for(r.forall(); r.test(); { int xy = r.sub(); switch (cn_[xy]+cp_[xy]+c_n[xy]+c_p[xy]+ cnn[xy]+cnp[xy]+cpn[xy]+cpp[xy]) { case 2 : break; case 3 : w[xy] = 1; break; default: w[xy] = 0; break; } } /* collect result and send to Client */ collect(tmp, w, r); sendHost(tmp); } /* call finalize to disconnect sock connections */ finalize(); } }
... canvas.setImage(null); ((CardLayout)card2.getLayout()).show(card2, tag2[2]); /* build active host list */ int np = selectList.countItems(); String str = "HPJ"+Separator+np+Separator; for (int i=0; i<np; i++) str += selectList.getItem(i)+Separator; /* send run-remote-class command to server */ issueCommand(Rn, str); try { /* build sock connection to id 0 instance */ Socket sock = new Socket(nodeHost, nodePort); DataInputStream fromNode = new DataInputStream(sock.getInputStream()); DataOutputStream toNode = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream()); /* obtain parameters and send to id 0 instance */ int N = new Integer(tf1.getText()).intValue(); int NITER = new Integer(tf2.getText()).intValue(); if ( N < 2 ) N = 2; if ( NITER < 0 ) NITER = 0; toNode.writeInt(N); toNode.writeInt(NITER); toNode.writeInt((cbg1.getCurrent() == cb11) ? 0 : 1); toNode.writeInt((cbg2.getCurrent() == cb21) ? 0 : 1); toNode.flush(); int size = N*N; int w = canvas.size().width; int h = canvas.size().height; int dx = w/N; int dy = h/N; int x, y; int[][] map = new int[N][N]; Image img = createImage(w, h); Graphics g = img.getGraphics(); g.setColor(; g.fillRect(0, 0, w, h); /* receive the color map (proc id) */ for (y=0; y<N; y++) { for (x=0; x<N; x++) map[y][x] = fromNode.readInt() % dark.length; } /* receive pattern for each life cycle */ for (int k=0; k<=NITER; k++) { for (y=0; y<N; y++) { for (x=0; x<N; x++) { g.setColor( (fromNode.readInt() == 1) ? bright[map[y][x]] : dark[map[y][x]]); g.fillRect(x*dx, y*dy, dx-2, dy-2); } } /* display the life pattern to screen */ canvas.setImage(img); } g.dispose(); /* close socket connection */ sock.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e); } ...