Basic HTML version of Foils prepared august 1 99

Foil 13 Role of Collaborative Objects in Education

From Tango Interactive as Technology for Training Central State Training Workshop at ASC Dayton -- July 23 99. by Geoffrey C. Fox

1 Learning is an example of an activity which can be thought of in terms of objects (digital audio streams when you talk, books, homework, science fair exhibits) worked on alone or together -- either between students or students and teacher
  • digital "togetherness" is supported by collaboration technology
2 Collaboration can be synchronous as when individuals talk to each other
  • Objects or object properties are shared at same time
3 Or asynchronous when sharing is done at different times
4 I post a web page and you look at it later is a basic asynchronous sharing model while writing on a blackboard is hallowed synchronous model in teaching
5 All objects can be thought of as web pages as these are rendering of a server side object
  • e.g. web page form elements specify data base access or CGI Script

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