Given by Tom Haupt at Technical Session SC98 Orlando on November 10-12 1998. Foils prepared January 31 99
Outside Index
Summary of Material
WebFlow |
WebFlow over Globus |
WebFlow Applications
Comments on DATRR |
Outside Index
Summary of Material
Tomasz Haupt |
Northeast Parallel Architectures Center |
Syracuse University |
WebFlow |
WebFlow over Globus |
WebFlow Applications
Comments on DATRR |
The visual HPDC framework that offers an intuitive Web browser based interface and a uniform point of interactive control for a variety of computational modules and applications, running at various labs on different platforms. |
Our technology goal is to build a high-level user friendly commodity software based visual programming and runtime environment for HPDC. |
WebFlow applications are composed of independent reusable modules |
Modules are written by module developers
The WebFlow system hides module management and coordination functions
WebFlow is implemented as a modern three-tier system
Mesh of Web Servers running servlets that manage and coordinate distributed computation.
Front End |
are Java objects that implement WebFlow specific module interface:
The functionality of the module (run method) can be implemented entirely in Java |
Existing applications written in languages different than Java can be easily encapsulated |
Execution of the module can be delegated to an external system capable of resource allocation such as Globus, Condor, etc. |
In order to run WebFlow over Globus there must be at least one WebFlow node capable of executing Globus commands, such as globusrun |
Jobs that require computational power of massively parallel computers are directed to the Globus domain, while others can be launched on much more modest platforms, such as the user's desktop or even a laptop running Windows NT. |
Bridge between WebFlow and Globus |
Landscape Management System
Quantum Simulations
To develop a web based system that implements a "navigate-and-choose" paradigm and allows the end user to:
Anytime, anywhere, using any platform |
(e.g., a connected to the internet laptop PC)
A decision maker (the end user of the system) wants to evaluate changes in vegetation in some geographical region over a long time period caused by some short term disturbances such as a fire or human's activities. |
One of the critical parameters of the vegetation model is soil condition at the time of the disturbance. |
This in turn is dominated by rainfalls that possibly occur at that time |
Data retrieval |
Data preprocessing |
Simulation: two interacting codes
Visualization |
Land Use |
Soil |
Texture |
Vegetation |
(Alliance Team B) |
Access to data from many different sources
Resource identification & allocation
Monitoring (generic and custom) |
Fault tolerance |
Quality of service |
Security of Web access and Web transactions |
Front-End API |