Oracle Information Navigator Search

The Java-based Oracle Information Navigator search feature enables you to enter one or multiple words and find all literal occurrences of those words in the information library. The Oracle Information Navigator search feature consists of three tabs. For information on what to enter or select in a specific tab region, click:
This section discusses:

Search Features
The three search tabs consist of regions in which to enter or select information. The features for each tab are described below. For information on what to enter or select in a specific tab region, select the appropriate link in the Tab column.

Tab This Tab Enables You To...


  • Enter the word(s) for which to search in the information library.
  • Select to search for documents containing all words entered. (This option uses Boolean AND logic.)
  • Select to search for documents containing any words entered. (This option uses Boolean OR logic.)
  • Enter the word(s) to exclude from your search. (This option uses Boolean NOT logic.)
  • Select to search all information library categories or one category. To further customize the categories or documentation within categories to search, use the Custom tab.


  • Create a customized category that includes multiple categories or documentation within categories to search. After creating this category, the name displays in the Select a Category field of the Search tab.


  • Limit the search results to a specific number of documents. The default is 1000.
  • Sort the search results by rank, document title, or document source.
  • Display the search results in ascending or descending order.

Search Limitations
Since the Oracle Information Navigator search feature performs literal searches on single or multiple words, the following types of searches are not supported: