LibWeather Library

This is Info file, produced by Makeinfo-1.64 from the input file libweather.texinfo.

Copyright (C) 1995 Loral Advanced Distributed Simulation, Inc.

File:, Node: Top, Prev: (./modsafprm), Up: (./modsafprm)

* Menu:

This is the top level menu of an info file. To go to a section in this menu, you should type "m" followed by the first few characters of the section you are interested. If you put the text cursor next to the section you are interested (use "C-n"), "m" will default to that section (you can then hit RETURN to go to the section).

* Overview::
* Functions::

 File:, Node: Overview, Next: Functions, Up: Top


This library is a simple demo of the capabilities of libenvent, libsimreq, and libenvironment. It allows various environmental parameters to be distributed over the net, and changed (currently via the parser).

 File:, Node: Functions, Prev: Overview, Up: Top


The public functions for libweather are listed below:

* Menu:

* wthr_init::

File:, Node: wthr_init, Up: Functions

void wthr_init(db, simtype, mode)
SimulatorType simtype;
int32 mode;

The persistent object database
The class of simulator weather should live on

This function initializes libweather and should be called before using any other libweather functionality.

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