It is not very useful when run within Netscape mainly because of security restrictions for working with local files or hosts other than the one the applet is downloaded from. Nonetheless, it can be used as a Text Editor or a debugging too for CGI developers when run as an application (using the java virtual machine) or as an applet using the "appletviewer" utility.
Here is a brief description of the various button/menu options provided in this applet/application:
New - Clears the Text area for editing a new file Open... - Provides a File Dialog for opening a local file Save - Saves the current file Save As... - Provides a File Dialog for saving a file locally Read from URL - Reads the contents of a resource into the text area (e.g. Write to URL - Writes the contents of the text area to a resource. This can useful in simulating the CGI "POST" method. For example, the above URL can be specified in the URL textedit box and the parameters in the text area as follows: User=me Pass=in Show URL - Requests the browser to process a URL Exit - Exits the application
Anil Hemrajani