Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)
HDF is a library and platform independent data format for the storage and exchange of scientific data. It includes Fortran and C calling interfaces, and utilities for analyzing and converting HDF data files

Paradise - A Parallel Database System

University of Illinois at Chicago Electronic Visualization Laboratory

The CAVE(TM) is a multi-person, room-sized, high-resolution, 3D video and audio environment.

The goal of this project is to develop the next generation collaborative networking infrastructure to sustain collaborative, persistent virtual environments.

The ImmersaDesk is a drafting-table format virtual prototyping device. Using stereo glasses and head and hand tracking, this projection-based system offers a type of virtual reality that is semi-immersive.

The primary purpose of the PowerWall is to visualize and display very high resolution data from large scientific simulations performed on supercomputers or from high resolution imaging applications.

Collabarotory Builder's Environment (CBE) - DistView
The CBE is the software architecture of an environment for building Internet-based scientific collaboratories. by Atul Prakash

Treadmarks supports parallel computing on networks of workstations. Its main novel feature is that it provides a global shared address space across the different machines on a cluster.

The idea of building a cluster(metacomputer) management system on top of web servers.

Coarse-grained data flow based computations.


Last Modified November(16th) 1997, by Hasan Timucin Ozdemir