Institution Name:
NCSAWork Package Title: IC
Project Title: Information and Communications Technologies
POC: Ms. Sandra Kappes (NCSA)
Email Address:
Telephone: (217) 244-2170 Fax: (217) 244-1987
CTA or PEI: Information and Communications
Project Description: The ARL MSRC PET team and MSRC HPC users need to be able to effectively utilize state-of-the-art information and communication technologies. These technologies facilitate the communication, coordination, and training necessary to support this distributed workforce. The goal of this project is to test, evaluate and deploy technologies to meet the needs of the ARL MSRC PET team and MSRC users. Existing needs include support for development of PET website content, web-based course materials, and asynchronous collaboration tools. Additional needs will be identified through interaction with the PET community.
Project Objectives: Interact with the PET user community to determine I/C support needs. This interaction will be conducted via face-to-face meetings, a I/C discussion space, and user surveys. Publish information about I/C activities via the I/C web pages. Provide broad-based support to the PET team and MSRC users in state-of-the-art communication and collaboration technologies. Provide expertise and assistance for enhancing the CEWES PET web site. Continue maintenance and updates to the I/C web pages content.
Deliverables: Specific deliverables for Year 3 include:
Customers / End Users: This work is being done for the ARL PET Management, CTA Leads, and MSRC HPC users.
Benefit to Warfighter: This project will have an indirect benefit to the warfighter through enhanced productivity and effectiveness of PET team members and HPC users enabled by information and communications technologies.
Project Dependencies and Scope: This project depends significantly on the contributions of the ARL PET Team. The PET Team will provide contributions toward the user requirements for collaboration and utilization and feedback of new components as they become available.
Risk Element: In Year 3, the estimated probability of achieving the results expected is 90%. Delivery of the technologies is relatively straightforward. Their actual utilization is the primary risk involved. Careful selection of collaborative activities to serve as test beds for collaborative tools implementation and technical support will ensure the success of this project.
Required Funding Level:
Year X: $125,000
Year X + 1: $150,000
Year X + 2: $200,000