INSTITUTION NAME: Syracuse University WORKPAGE TITLE: WebHLA PROJECT TITLE: SPEEDES + HLA Based Scalable Parallel CMS Federate POC: David Bernholdt,, (315) 443-3857, fax (315) 443-1973 CTA or PEI: Forces Modeling and Simulation (FMS) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In Year 3, we ported CMS code to the Origin2000 platforms at CEWES and ARL. We achieved almost linear speedup i.e. perfect scalability up to and including 4 processors, but the performance deteriorates for 8 of more processors. We identified the reason as related to rather complex object-oriented data structures (including dynamic linked lists of irregular objects), present in the inner loop of the C++ CMS code that runs over all mines and vehicle PDUs, tracking for possible hits and explosions. Our parallelization technique was based on Origin2000 C++ parallel pragmas, i.e. compiler directives that allow to decompose loop indices over processors. However, due to the NUMA architecture of Origin2000 and large memory utilization of the CMS inner loop, we also need to perform the domain decomposition of the associated objects over processors to enforce the memory locality. Such data decomposition pragmas are also available but we discovered that the proper synchronization of the loop and memory decomposition directives turned out to be non-optimal for the CMS inner loop. In Year 4, we propose to enter more deeply into the CMS inner loop and rearrange it in terms of simpler, more regular arrays rather then complex dynamic objects, so that one can control better data decomposition and memory locality. In another ongoing PET FMS project “CHSSI Training Materials” we are building training materials for the SPEEDES simulation kernel which is known to offer good scalability for a range of simulation problems on Origin2000. We therefore propose to explore in Year 4 the use of SPEEDES as the underlying framework for Scalable Parallel CMS. We are also participating in CHSSI FMS-5 which develops SPEEDES based HPC RTI. Using this new SPEEDES capability we will be able to package our Parallel CMS module as HPC HLA Federate and to include it in the WebHLA based federation where it will cooperate with other federates listed in the Year 4 Proposal for the “FMS PET Core Support”. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: Improve scalability of Parallel CMS over a broad processor range on Origin2000 by simplifying and regularizing the inner loop data structures and by using scalable communication libraries of the SPEEDES simulation kernel. DELIVERABLES: 1) Parallel CMS module, scalable over the whole processor range on Origin2000; 2) Analysis of performance and tradeoffs between various communication modes, including SPEEDES based scalable communication library; 3) Installation of the scalable Parallel CMS module at CEWES and ARL; 4) Evaluation of total CPU power for Metacomputing CMS on multi-MSRC platform. CUSTOMERS/END USERS: 1) Night Vision Laboratory at Ft. Belvoir, VA; 2) U.S. Army Engineering School (NVL customer and collaborator); 3) Possibly Navy Simulation System; 4) Possibly JSIMS-Maritime. BENEFIT TO THE WARFIGHTER: Dynamic minefields play a crucial tactical role in the modern warfare. Minefields of millions of mines can be rapidly deployed today by the Air Force and they can affect mobility and imply major changes in the enemy Army or Navy operations due to the rapidly blocked routes or areas. CMS is the unique M&S system capable of simulating such advanced mine warfare operations. However, practical simulation of large minefields with millions of active mines require high performance computing. Parallel CMS will therefore repesent a useful advanced simulation module for the next generation realistic simulation systems such as JSIMS. PROJECT DEPENDENCIES AND SCOPE: This project is related to and needs to be pursued in parallel with the “WebHLA based Metacomputing CMS for the Million Mines Challenge” project.. RISK ELEMENT: CMS (and other M&S applications) is a large and complex code. Though we have spent some time on the analysis, it is possible that unforeseen problems may crop up with the port or parallelization. This project anticipates close collaboration with NVL, and additional support from the CEWES MSRC PET program. REQUIRED FUNDING LEVEL: