INSTITUTION NAME: Syracuse University WORKPAGE TITLE: WebHLA PROJECT TITLE: WebHLA based Metacomputing CMS for the Million Mines Challenge POC: David Bernholdt,, (315) 443-3857, fax (315) 443-1973 CTA or PEI: Forces Modeling and Simulation (FMS) PROJECT DESCRIPTION: In Year 3, we presented initial demonstrations of Parallel CMS at SC98 in Orlando, FL. The demonstrated system included Parallel CMS module itself, running on Origin2000, as well as ModSAF module for vehicle and terrain simulation and Mak Stealth Visualization module, running on SGI workstations, with all machines located in the HPCMO booth at SC98. We also have a distributed version operational, with Parallel CMS running at Origin2000 platforms at the ARL or CEWES MSRCs, and with other modules running on NPAC cluster. Test scenarios we were running so far included heavy breach operation through a minefield of some 30,000 mines located in Ft. Knox terrain. Ft, Belvoir, the primary user and developer of CMS, is interested in simulations including large scale minefields of 1 million and more mines, such as used during the Gulf War or deployed in the Korea Demilitarized Zone. We propose to address the “Million Mines CMS Challenge” in this Year 4 project. For this purpose, we will need to enforce full scalability of parallel CMS across a single Origin2000 system, as well as to sustain a metacomputing operation of a set of such HPC platforms or equivalent workstation/PC clusters. The Origin2000 scalability problem is addressed in the associated Year 4 proposal, whereas here we focus on the metacomputing coordination and integration. We will use WebHLA infrastructure developed so far and we will build an automated decomposer that distributes large minefields over a set of machines so that each platform runs a Parallel CMS federate over a suitable minefield component of subset, and all such components cooperate with a Metacomputing Parallel CMS Federation. We intend to use initially ARL and CEWES HPC facilities such as Origin2000 and NPAC workstation and PC clusters. In the next step, we will include most adequate HPC facilities from the selected Distributed Centers such as SPAWAR or NRL. Initial demo of Metacomputing CMS will be presented during SC99 where will try to attack for the first time the Million Mines CMS Challenge. PROJECT OBJECTIVES: Develop a Metacomputing CMS simulation running over multiple MSRCs and capable to sustain distributed minefields of million or more active mines. DELIVERABLES: 1) SC99 Demonstration of Metacomputing CMS with distributed minefield components running at ARL, CEWES and NPAC sites; 2) Sustained support for large scale distributed minefields with components in ARL, CEWES, NPAC and selected Distributed Centers such as SPAWAR and NRL. CUSTOMERS/END USERS: 1) Night Vision Lab for the countermine R&D; 2) HPCMO for general publicity purposes; 3) Possibly JSIMS for realistic modern mine warfare simulations. BENEFIT TO THE WARFIGHTER: HPC FMS technology demonstration will help marketing the unique HPC capabilities and will facilitate HPC technology insertion into the advanced joint simulation systems and new generation Virtual Prototyping and Simulation Based Acquisition systems. PROJECT DEPENDENCIES AND SCOPE: This project depends on the completion of the “SPEEDES + HLA Based Scalable Parallel CMS Federate” project. RISK ELEMENT: 1) User community for Parallel CMS is not fully recognized yet; 2) Networking challenges of MBONE (ModSAF DIS) + Metacomputing (Parallel CMS) integration are yet to be understood and addressed. 3) It may be necessary for ARL and other participating sites to acquire licenses for some software packages. 4) In all metacomputing activities, there are significant issues around access/security and resource scheduling that need to be addressed, either on a one-time fashion, or in general. Such issues are beyond the scope of this proposal. REQUIRED FUNDING LEVEL: