USER CONTACTS -- FMS MSRC User: Steve Bishop User Site: Ft. Belvoir Tech Area: Modeling and Simulation Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Joint work on Parallel CMS, general strategy MSRC User: Pamela Jacobs User Site: Ft. Belvoir Tech Area: Modeling and Simulation Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Joint work on Parallel CMS, development of CHSSI proposal MSRC User: Keith Snively User Site: Ft. Belvoir Tech Area: Modeling and Simulation Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Joint work on Parallel CMS, technical consulting MSRC User: Bill Smith User Site: NRL Tech Area: FMS-3 / SPEEDES Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Planning PET support for Web based SPEEDES training MSRC User: Henry Ng User Site: NRL Tech Area: FMS-2 / Tempo-Thema Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Planning PET support for Web based Tempo/Thema training MSRC User: Jeff Wallace User Site: SPAWAR Tech Area: FMS-5 / HPC RTI, JSIMS Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Participate in FMS-5 on HPC RTI, Joint CHSSI proposal for Intelligent Agents MSRC User: Bob Wasilausky User Site: SPAWAR Tech Area: FMS CTA Lead Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: PET support for FMS CHSSI projects MSRC User: Jeff Steinman User Site: Metron, Inc. Tech Area: FMS/SPEEDES Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Planning PET support for Web based SPEEDES training MSRC User: Jim Brutacao User Site: Metron, Inc. Tech Area: FMS/SPEEDES Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Planning PET support for Web based SPEEDES training MSRC User: Larry Peterson User Site: SPAWAR Tech Area: FMS-4 / Parallel IMPORT Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Joint CHSSI proposal for Parallel IMPORT based Intelligent Agents MSRC User: Willy Brown User Site: JSU Tech Area: HBCU Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Participating in JSU Summer Institute'98, '99 MSRC User: Mark Roberts User Site: COLSA Tech Area: FMS-3 / E-ModSAF Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Planning PET support for Web based E-ModSAF training MSRC User: Jeff Sauerborn User Site: TECOM, ARL Tech Area: Virtual Proving Ground Contacting/Institution: Furmanski/Syracuse Mode of Contact: Meetings, email, phone Purpose/Result: Planning joint project on data mining