Some info abou the CA for Tango2: 1. I put the source and code (with rights for tango group to change it) in /project/K136/CIV/CEG/tango2ca There are two subdirectories: ca-test - test version of CA, with the buttons calling proper methods (you saw it when I tested it). You shouldn't need to use it. ca - plain version of CA. This one you should use. 2. Classes: (ca/classes) is the interface provided by the demon (right now I am providing it) with all the methods. When the real interface is finished you should copy it to this directory. I would recommend recompiling everything. There is a constant variable defined in this class: ALL, that I use when registering - register(TangoFullMethodAPI.ALL). 3. Conf files: (ca/conf) there is still tango.cnf but with much simpler structure: it just contains AGT,AST and name of application. Demon should know the path, width, height etc. there is also one file: room.cnf which contains the potential rooms that a user can move to. Its structure is very simple: room_name,room_url 4. Start-up: I understand that the procedure now looks like that: 1. Demon starts the login applet and user logs on. 2. Demon verifies, verifies, verifies and then starts the applications and among them - CA. 3. CA calls exec_start_notify(AGT,AST,SID) to notify demon abou the succesful start-up. I set AGT=AST=SID=0;