How to Install Tango Plugin Program


Tango plug-in is an integral part of Tango system. This piece of code allows you to join our collaborative environment. Main functions are as follows:

  1. Mantaining communication between Tango Central Server, Control Applet and user applications
  2. Launching applets

Platform Requirements



After the compressed file is downloaded to your local machine, you need to follow this procedure to install Tango plugin program:

  1. Uncompress and unpack the distribution file
  2. For example, for SGI paltform, gunzip tango_plugin10b3.irix.tar.gz,
    tar xvf tango_plugin10b3.irix.tar. This will install a Tango plugin directory called tango_plugin10b3 on your machine.

  3. Setup/modify three environment variables used by the Tango plugin program: (assuming you installed the tango_plugin10b3 directory as $HOME/tango_plugin10b3 and the plugin version is for SGI (irix))
    1. Java Classpath:
    2. setenv CLASSPATH $HOME/tango_plugin10b3:$CLASSPATH
    3. Netscape Plugin Path:
    4. setenv NPX_PLUGIN_PATH $HOME/tango_plugin10b3/bin/irix:$NPX_PLUGIN_PATH
    5. Tango Server Configuration Path:
    6. setenv TANGO_PLUGIN_CONF $HOME/tango_plugin10b3/conf

    You can either add the above three variables in your .cshrc file, or simply go to $HOME/tango_plugin10b3/exec:

    cd $HOME/tango_plugin10b3/exec
    and run:
    source tangorc
each time before you start your Netscape 3.0 to use Tango.

    2. WINDOWS

    After the compressed file is downloaded to your local machine, you need to follow this procedure to install Tango plugin program:

    1. Unzip commpressed file and run setup.exe program
    2. Follow installation procedure
    3. Tango plug-in should be installed in Netscape navigator plugins directory, otherwise it will not operate properly. Setup will modify two environment variables used by the Tango plug-in program:

      1. Java CLASSPATH
      2. that points to Tango java classes

      3. Tango TANGO_PLUGIN_PATH
      4. that points to Tango configuration file directory


    Configuration file - plugin.conf - is placed in tango_plugin10b/conf directory. Location of this file can be changed, but then variable TANGO_PLUGIN_CONF must be set so that it points to proper directory. In the distribution file, this variable is set to a default Tango server maintained at NPAC. You usually do not need to change it, unless you would like to use a different Tango server. Example of plugin.conf:

      //serverhost            serverport   9500        

    First parameter specifies host, where the Central Server of Tango system is running, second specifies port on which server waits for new connections. If you don't change these settings the plugin should establish connection with NPAC Tango Central Server on

    Start Tango

    Run Netscape Navigator 3.0 and open this URL:
    Note you must make sure all the three environment variables are set correctly before you start the Netscape 3.0 browser, otherwise, you will not be able to connect to the Tango server, and in some cases your browser may be crashed.

    If everything is set properly you should get to the Tango login page that displays the GUI interface of the Tango Control Application (CA). You may check behaviour of Tango start-up on JAVA CONSOLE of the Netscape 3.0.

    Tango Plugin File Structure