NPAC Conferencing System

Tomasz Stachowiak

Project Summary:

The goal of this project is to create a framework for collaborative system which would enable implementation of real-time conferencing applications such as video, audio and whiteboard tools. Initially these applications were implemented using InSoft's OpenDVE software development kit. Since there have been restrictions and limitations for OpenDVE-based conferencing system to be seamlessly integrated in other Web-based archietctures developed at NPAC (e.g. Tango), we decided to develop our own conferencing software infrastructure.

One of our major goals in the development is to integrate the multimedia conferencing tools into the World Wide Web environment so that they are accessible from a Web browser. This has been achieved by using the plugin techniques.

Technology used in this project:

Sample pictures

  1. Integrated conferencing environment with audio and video tools running for two participants

  2. Whiteboard