When an application in a host (end system) requests a specific QoS for its data stream, RSVP is used to deliver the request to each router along the path(s) of the data stream and to maintain router and host state to provide the requested service. Although RSVP was developed for setting up resource reservations, it is readily adaptable to transport other kinds of metwork control information along data flow paths.
RSVP Mailing list: rsvp@isi.edu. To join list, send request to rsvp-request@isi.edu RSVP WG Co-chairs: Bob Braden (braden@isi.edu) and Lixia Zhang (lixia@parc.xerox.com) Most recent protcol specification document: See bibliography below The job of the RSVP working group dovetails, and sometimes overlaps, the area covered by the Integrated Services (int-serv) working group. If you join the RSVP mailing list, we recommend you also join the int-serv mailing list: Int-serv Mailing list: int-serv@isi.edu. To join list, send request to int-serv-request@isi.edu Int-serv WG Co-chairs: Craig Partridge (craig@aland.bbn.com), Dave Clark (ddc@lcs.mit.edu), Scott Shenker (shenker@parc.xerox.com), John Wroclawski (jtw@lcs.mit.edu)
[RSVP93] Zhang, L., Deering, S., Estrin, D., Shenker, S., and D. Zappala, "RSVP: A New Resource ReSerVation Protocol", IEEE Network, September 1993.
[RSVP94] Braden, R. and L. Zhang, "RSVP: A Resource ReSerVation Protocol", Connexions, ? 1994.
[MITZ94a] Mitzel, D., Estrin, D., Shenker, S., and L. Zhang, "An Architectural Comparison of ST-II and RSVP", Proceedings of Infocomm '94.
[MITZ94b] Mitzel, D., Shenker, S., "Asymptotic Resource Consumption in Multicast Reservation Styles", Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM '94.
[MITZ95] Mitzel, D., Estrin, D. Shenker, S., Zhang, L. "A Study of Reservation Dynamics in Integrated Services Packet Networks", Submitted for publication.
[ISInt93] Braden, R., Clark, D., and S. Shenker, "Integrated Services in the Internet Architecture: an Overview" RFC1633, ISI, MIT, and PARC, June 1994.
[BAKE95] Baker, F., "RSVP Cryptographic Authentication," Internet Draft.
[BAKE95] Baker, F., Krawczyk, J. "RSVP Management Information Base," Internet Draft.
Herzog, S.,
"Building Blocks for Accounting and Access Control in RSVP,"
Pre-Internet Draft.
Herzog, S., Shenker, S., Estrin, D.,
"Sharing the Cost of Multicast Trees: An Axiomatic Analysis",
Proceedings of SIGCOMM '95.
This figure shows RSVP reservation messages flowing upstream. Just as the data branches out in routers R1, R3, and R4, so the reservation messages going upstream are "merged". Thus, a single reservation message need only flow upstream until it is merged with another reservation.
A QoS request originating in an application is passed to the RSVP implementation (shown as a user daemon in the figure above) and RSVP passes the request to all the nodes along the reverse data path(s) to the destination(s). At each node, RSVP applies a local decision procedure called admission control to the QoS request, and if admission control succeeds, it sets the parameters to the Classifier and Packet Scheduler to obtain the desired QoS. If admission control fails at any node, RSVP returns an error indication to the application.
RSVP reserves resources for simplex data streams, i.e., it reserves resources in only one direction on a link, so that a sender is logically distinct from a receiver. However, the same application may act as both sender and receiver.
RSVP protocol mechanisms provide a general facility for creating and maintaining distributed reservation state across a mesh of multicast delivery paths. RSVP transfers reservation parameters as opaque data (except for certain well-defined operations on the data), which it simply passes to admission control and to the Packet Scheduler and Classifier for interpretation.
IETF meeting slides are available for Danvers , San Jose , Toronto , Stockholm , and Dallas .
There is also some information including a draft version of the new RSVP spec reflecting many changes agreed to in Danvers. See also the RSVP Project at ISI Home Page
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