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RTP: Overview

RTP is a thin protocol providing support for applications with real-time properties, including timing reconstruction, loss detection, security and content identification. RTCP provides support for real-time conferencing for large groups within an internet, including source identification and support for gateways (like audio and video bridges) and multicast-to-unicast translators. RTP can be used without RTCP if desired. While UDP/IP is its initial target networking environment, efforts have been made to make RTP transport-independent so that it could be used, say, over CLNP, IPX or other protocols. RTP is currently also in experimental use directly over AAL5/ATM. RTP does not address the issue of resource reservation or quality of service control; instead, it relies on resource reservation protocols such as RSVP.

Other applications, such as real-time control and distributed simulation, are also targets.

Henning Schulzrinne