Installation troubleshooting guide

The most common reason of trouble with TANGO startup is wrong environment variables for UNIX or, for Windows, installation of the plugin in a wrong directory. These errors make TANGO plugin invisible to Netscape browser. The first thing to check is whether your plugin has been correcly installed. Go to Netscape's Help/About Plug-ins window. You should see something like this:

Tango Plug-in

File name: F:\Program Files\Netscape\Navigator\Program\plugins\NPTangoV10b2.dll
Tango Plug-in
Mime Type Description Suffixes Enabled
hej/hop Tango Plug-in File hej Yes

If you do not see this entry, you haven't installed TANGO according to the instruction. Begin from restarting the browser. If problem persists, please, check envvariables or repeat installation process.

If your plug-in is correctly installed and you still experience problems, please, start Java console (use Netscape's "Options" menu). Then, start TANGO again. The messages appearing in the console should look similar to the following:

Local: Local demon started on port 8000
AcceptThread: thread started
ControlAppletHandle: applet thread number -7 started
Local: Connection accepted by remote host, starting demon threads ......
Local: Connected to 9500
ThreadOut: Output thread number 1 started
DemonThreadIn: Demon input thread started
Length: 2222 bytes
Read: 2222 bytes
Reading completed
HelpText: Length: 2748 bytes
HelpText: Read: 2748 bytes
HelpText: Reading completed
Warning: Thread.suspend() was called; Navigator deadlock might result

At this point, you should have login window on you screen.

It the "Connected to ...." message is missing, you have networking problem: either your plugin.conf file points to a non-existent TANGO server, or your network connection does not work as it should.

If nothing works, please, accept our apologies, and send us a message.