Java Web Object Request Broker (JWORB) Notes

Directories coming with release contains the followings:
classes : It contains binaries.
config : contains all the configuration files related to the main server and supported protocols.
idls : Server objects will be picked from this directory in future releases.
jdocs : Javadoc output of the sources.**
mk : contains configuration files to compile the whole source.
src : Sources.

src contains the following directories:

com : XML Parser and DOM implementation.
fr : Koala XSL Processor.
javax : JavaServer Servlet API.
npac : Contains several general utility classes we wrote in NPAC.
org : org.omg.CORBA package which is updated to point worb.protocol.iiop.* implementation.
org.w3c.dom DOM
org.xml.sax SAX Driver
worb : WORB Source files.

** : In order to generate JavaDocs for the source, run makedoc in the src directory.

Updated at : October 23, 1998 by Hasan Timucin Ozdemir